
Library Lending Policy

Library Lending Policy

Can I have longer library loans?

f you notice that you do not have enough time to read the book or watch the movie you have checked out, you can ask your library to renew your items.

What If I return a book late?

Everything must be returned on time, because other people may be waiting for the same materials. Besides, if your materials are overdue, they may be recalled and demerit points :( will be accumulated on your library card.

 What happens if someone already has the book I need?

If you the item you are looking for is checked out, you can place a reservation or request it from another library.

Ask a librarian for help.

Treat library materials with care!

Treat library materials in a responsible manner that will help to preserve them and to ensurre their availability for other users.

A hint... 

If you are doing research on a specific topic, do not check out all of the books on the topic. Everyone else would be out of luck.