Gavà. Biblioteca Josep Soler Vidal - Gènius


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Gavà. Biblioteca Josep Soler Vidal

General information


Jaume Balmes's plaza, s/n
08850 Gavà

How to get to
932 639 230

Maite Pinteño Cobos
Opening date:


Social networks:





  • Monday Of 15h at 20h
  • Tuesday Of 10h at 14h, and of 15h at 20h
  • Wednesday Of 15h at 20h
  • Thursday Of 10h at 14h, and of 15h at 20h
  • Friday Of 10h at 14h
  • Saturday Enclosed
  • Sunday Enclosed

Schedule observations:

Dies de tancament (a més dels dies de tancament nacional i regional)

- 14 d'agost

  • Monday Of 15 h at 20 h
  • Tuesday Of 10h at 14h, and of 15h at 20h
  • Wednesday Of 10h at 14h, and of 15h at 20h
  • Thursday Of 10 h at 14 h and of 15 h at 20 h
  • Friday Of 10 h at 14 h and of 15 h at 20 h
  • Saturday Of 10 h at 14 h

Schedule observations:

DAYS OF SHUTDOWN (apart from the national and venues)

  • 16 of April
  • 31 of October
  • 7 of December
  • 14 of December
  • 24 of December
  • 31 of December
  • 7 of January 2023

DAYS WITH SPECIAL SCHEDULES (opened at turn in the morning, of 10 at 14 h.)

  • 5 of January
  • 14 of April
  • 23 of June
  • January 5, 2023


Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results.

16/07/2024 18:00 h
Gavà. Biblioteca Josep Soler Vidal
Tens entre 8 i 12 anys i no saps què llegir? El Jaume Vilarrubí i la Marta Martí, bibliotecaris...

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results.


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Research Guides

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