Cornellà de Llobregat. Biblioteca Sant Ildefons - Gènius


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Cornellà de Llobregat. Biblioteca Sant Ildefons

General information


Plaza Carles Navales, s/n

08940 Cornellà of Llobregat

How to get to

Buses: 67, 95, L46, L74, L75, L10, L85

Metro: St. Ildefons (Line 5)

Fits for road:

Start 14 C-32 Round of Up

Road C-245 – Road of Esplugues

934 711 242


Rubén Senserrich Pérez
Opening date:


Social networks:


  • Monday of 15.30 at 20.30
  • Tuesday of 15.30 at 20.30
  • Wednesday of 15.30 at 20.30
  • Thursday of 15.30 at 20.30
  • Friday of 15.30 at 20.30
  • Saturday Enclosed
  • Sunday Enclosed

Schedule observations:

The schedule of summer commences the day: 15 of of June

Observations of the schedule 2023:


  • Tuesday 15 of August ASSUMPTION enclosed Kick
  • Monday 11 of September PARTY enclosed Kick


  • Friday 23 of June Vigília of Saint Joan the library will open of 10 at 14h


  • Monday of 15.30 at 20.30 h
  • Tuesday of 10.00 at #14.00 and of 15.30 at 20.30 h
  • Wednesday of 15.30 at 20.30 h
  • Thursday of 15.30 at 20.30 h
  • Friday of 15.30 at 20.30 h
  • Saturday of 10 at 14 h
  • Sunday Enclosed

Schedule observations:

The schedule of winter commences the day: 16 of of September

Observations of the schedule 2023:


  • Friday 7 of April FRIDAY SANT Servei shut
  • Monday 10 of April PASQUA enclosed Kick
  • Monday 1 of May PARTY OF WORK enclosed Kick
  • Monday 5 of June LOCAL PARTY enclosed Kick
  • Thursday 8 of June enclosed Kick
  • Friday 9 of June LOCAL PARTY enclosed Kick
  • Saturday 10 of June LOCAL PARTY enclosed Kick
  • Thursday 12 of October HISPANITAT enclosed Kick
  • Wednesday 1 of November ALL SAINT enclosed Kick
  • Wednesday 6 of December DAY OF THE CONSTITUTION enclosed Kick
  • Monday 8 of December INMACULADA Servei shut
  • Monday 25 of December NADAL enclosed Kick
  • Tuesday 26 of December SAINT ESTEVE Servei shut


Of the 3 at the 14 of April the library will open of 15.30 at #20.30h, except the 6 of April at what will open of 10 at 14h.


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29/07/2024 18:00h
Cornellà de Llobregat. Biblioteca Sant Ildefons
A LLEGIR EM CONVIDES!  “Taller de xapes”   Dibuixa el teu personatge literari preferit i...

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