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North zone Mària Sánchez

General information


Street Vallcivera, 3 bis

08033 Barcelona

How to get to

Metro: Tower Baró (L11)

Bus: 62, 76, 180, 183, 199, D50, N3

Renfe: Tower Baró-Vallbona

93 353 75 19


Magnòlia Fuentes Cruz
Opening date:


Social networks:


In the summer, the library will remain shut of the 1 at the 31 of August.

At the Christmas, the library will remain shut of the 23 at the 29 of December.


  • Monday Of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Tuesday Of 9.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Wednesday Of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Thursday Of 9.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Friday Of 9.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Saturday Enclosed

Schedule observations:

* The library will remain enclosed the following festive days:

- 24 of June (Saint Joan)
- 15 of August (day of l

- 11 of September (national Party of Catalonia)
- 23 of September (festive CBB)

- 24 of September (Mother of God of the Favour)

  • Monday Of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Tuesday Of 09.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Wednesday Of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Thursday Of 09.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Friday Of 09.30 at 13.30 and of 15.30 at 20.00
  • Saturday Of 10.00 at 14.00

Schedule observations:

* The library will remain enclosed the following festive days:

- 1 of January (Cape of Year)
- 6 of January (Kings)
- 29 of March (Friday Sant)
- 1 of April (Monday of Pasqua)
- 1 of May (Party of the Work)
- 20 of May (Pasqua Granada)
- 12 of October (National Party of Spain)

- 1 of November (All Saint)

- 6 of December (Day of the Constitution)

- 7 of December (festive CBB)
- 25 of December (Christmas)

- 26 of December (Saint Esteve)



The Library North Zone is an edifice of new building designed by the architect Rafael Perera and Leoz, that inaugurated the November 29, 2009. The edifice pretends to conjugate the requests of a cultural equipment destined at public library with the condicionants of the solar that integrates at the side of the mount. With a total surface of 1.462 m2 distributed at two plants, has of a polyvalent room, area of newspapers and magazines, childish area, area of general fund, area of musician and cinema, W-Fine, multimedia room and the kick of Internet and +. The North Zone is Barcelona's most northern territory. The three neighbourhoods (Vallbona, Tower Baró and Meridian City) have in common that they grew at the years fifty and sixty with houses of autoconstrucció that next suffered the effects of the speculation urbanística. At present there is a big spurt to transform this zone and connect it with the city, thanks to the improvement of the infrastructures and the implantation of the light metro, that gave origin at the line 11.


Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results.

24/10/2024 17:30h - 22/05/2025
Frequency: Monthly
Barcelona - Nou Barris. Biblioteca Zona Nord - Mària Sánchez
Club d’obres de ficció digital triades i pensades per dialogar i reflexionar al voltant...
09/10/2024 17:30h - 14/05/2025
Frequency: Monthly
Barcelona - Nou Barris. Biblioteca Zona Nord - Mària Sánchez
Taller  de lectura Taller - laboratori de lectura per a nens i nenes de 6 a 10 anys, amb...

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 results.


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